Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Somebody please explain!!

Why grown men and older teenage boys wear their caps cocked off to the side. To me, yes, i'm now considered a senior citz, it looks like they got up in a hurry and just slammed it on their head.

So if that was the case, why not fix it?

And since it is not fixed, what is the point? It only shades the sun for half of your face.. and if you're in a car, as were the 2 this morning, atleast cock it to the sun side, not the inside of the car side.....

So can someone tell me the purpose of this?

Cuz right now, I'm just kacklin at these crazy dressin guys!


Simply Suthern said...

aint no explaining it.

dont even try to understand it.

Valerie said...

Well if one does it, others just HAVE to copy. If only people knew how ridiculous they look ... especially the guys who wear trousers so low they don't even cover their ugly butts. Jeez, I'm getting old....

Pearl said...

What Simply said. There's no explaining.

What I want to know is about teh dorks on the bus with their belt buckle ON THE SIDE!!! I want to ask them -- that takes extra time, right? What's going on???


Anonymous said...

I really wish this trend of wearing clothes that don't fit and hats, belts and shirts on the wrong way round would disappear. The men in droopy pants thing just drives me up the wall. Would you ever see Daniel Craig wearing pants that don't fit? Nope. (I jump up and yell, "Did you see his ass in them pants?" everytime I see his 007 on screen. Funny Man has learned to tolerate this habit of mine.) - G

Pat said...

Hell if I know. Same reason men wear suspenders with shorts. You hear me, husband?

KaLynn ("MiMi") said...

glad to know i'm not the only one that doesn't get it!!