Wednesday, August 4, 2010

THOSE people. . . .

Ya know THOSE people? Ya know the ones! Really! The ones that drift over into your lane (like me) because they are not paying attention? Or the ones that are going pokey slow until you try to pass then speed up (like me)? Or the ones that don't use their blinkers (like me)? Or the ones that change lanes with no inclination of what they are doin'(like me)? Or what about the ones that come up on the highway and put blinkers on and move over THREE lanes (alas like me)?



So in defense of others (like me), some days we have a whole lot on our plates and our mind wanders, as does our cars. Like sick kids, sick moms, overwhelmed at work, pet that dies, friend in trouble, money problems, and a whole host of others. God has put you in the right place at the right time to take care of those people (like me). I am very grateful for all of you lookin' out for all those people (like me)! You are their (like me) angels for the day or minute or hour! We appreciate you!

So those of you I cut off this morning, when I realized that I was fixin' ta miss my exit to work and I ran between that 18 wheeler and you, thank you for not tellin' me I was your number 1! I hope you had a very blessed day today! Because you were my angel this morning, I had a great day! And on the way home I watched out for someone else that was distracted!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!! I hope you kackled alot today! YOU made MY day for sure!!


Anonymous said...

haha. awesome. one time i merged onto the highway at just the right moment for the top half of my car to collide with a semi as the bottom half went under it. fortunately, the driver of the semi was paying much more attention than i and moved over for me (hence the still being alive). ^_^

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you made it to your exit safely. We all have those days, so I try to be give those people the benefit of the doubt. Of course if I see them driving like a yahoo for miles and miles, then I get a little worried. - G

KaLynn ("MiMi") said...

Angels are watching out for us! I try not to do that for miles and miles!

Matty said...

"Those people" really annoy me. LOL

Pat said...

It's true that there are angels among us! I like your perspective on this.