Now for the Lemonade Stand Awards
I received this one from Menopausal New Mom, who has an awesome post! I totally love reading it !
Put the lemonade logo on your blog or within your post.
Nominate blogs with great attitude or gratitude
Link the nominees within your post
let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog
link to the person from whom you received this award
These are very awesome folks and they have great pages
f8hasit Totally awesome person. Check her out.
Airing my dirty laundry. . one sock at a time Love this lady!
David's Little Travelogues check out David's pics from where ever he has been.
Here is what I think.. I sooo love this lady
Diamonds and Toads SUCH a cool, cool, cool blog. A recent find for me, I hope you enjoy it too. Especially those of you with children. She has eBooks connected to her site.
Happy Saturday to all!
Kackle today! It does a body good!! Cheers!

Wow! You are on fire with all these fab awards! Congratulations! - G
Congratulations. Don't they make you feel all warm and fuzzy.
Hi Kalynn, Great award show, thanks for the nice words about my blog! I'm looking forward to checking out the recipients!
Oh thanks! A whole new batch of blogs to check out! Menopausal Mom is pretty cool isn't she! I mean, actually she's hot right now with the flashes, but you know what I mean. Congrats! :)
Lemonade is a special drink!
Thanks for picking my mom... "Here Is What I Think" It really meant a lot to her!
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